Back in Peru on the coast
In Peru now after a 30 hour bus ride from Educador. After such a big bus journey, I figured I deserved a beer!!! So my month off alcohol, (thinking that may help lose the pounds for the Wedding we are going to when we arrive back in the UK) which has only been 2 weeks so far, has seen me come off the wagon. But only for this night. And my head was very cloudy the next morning. Stayed at a place called Ica, Luguna Hucacachina 4 hours south of Lima. The small place is surrounded by huge sand dunes, which has a lake in the middle. An Oasis. So sand boarding and dune buggies were on the agenda - which was the BEST fun. Somewhat scary though, as the buggies drove up and down very steep dunes. We visited the Museo Regional de Ica, which had a lot of mummies, skulls that had been reshaped deliberately over the years, and information on the Nazca lines. Now in Nazca, having done the lines this morning, in a 4 seater plane. Felt sick as a dog, and was eyeing off the sick bag (even after setting the alarm for 6am to take a high potency motion sick tablet that takes a couple of hours to kick in, and I was wearing my acupressure bands) but it was very interesting to see many different pictures, such as the monkey, spider, hands, tree, astronaut, whale and so on. The famous, enormous geoglphs and geometrical lines and shapes cover a huge area of the desert. The monkey is 90 mtrs high, and the wingspan of the condor is 130 mtrs. They were made by removing sun darkened stones from the desert surface to expose the light coloured stones below. We now have a 12 hour overnight bus to Tacna, which in on the Peru border with Chile, as we plan on spending a few nights in Arica, on the Chilean side. It apparently has some nice beaches, and we just want to top up the tans, so that everyone back in the UK can be extremely jealous. Please note : After the sand boarding Ians camera died (yes that his second camera that he has managed to wreck whilst we have been traveling), so unfortunately we are not able to post some photos of the Nazca lines yet (assuming that they work out alright anyway!)
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